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Marketing ideas for Christmas: 5 tips and tricks

How you can optimally adapt your marketing strategy to the pre-Christmas period and thus increase your customer loyalty

Christmas is the most important time of the year for retailers. To get the most out of your marketing budget, it is therefore particularly important to use the Christmas period as an opportunity to build customer loyalty. This way, you will still benefit from the measures you take after Christmas.

In this article, we show you the 5 most important tips for marketing at Christmas.

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5 tips to strengthen customer loyalty during the christmas season

Tip 1: Percentages, percentages and more percentages

Use the pre-Christmas period, especially special promotion days such as Black Friday, to attract new customers with unbeatable offers.

Many customers search for the best prices, offers and gifts at this time of year, especially on social media. Use this as an opportunity to build a bond with customers. Combine offers with collecting contact details, for example by signing up to your loyalty club or newsletter. This way, you can turn newly acquired customers into loyal regular customers more quickly.

Tip 2: Personalized communication in online marketing

Messages and offers that specifically address the wishes and needs of your customers are more likely to be noticed by them. During the Christmas season, the battle for advertising space is stronger than at any other time of year.

If available, use the opportunity to communicate with customers via your own channels (so-called owned media channels). A personalized push message, for example, is more likely to be noticed than one of many advertisements for the umpteenth Advent calendar or the tenth Christmas card on Facebook. And if you haven't built up a community on these channels yet, use this time of year to get started. As mentioned in tip 1, discount campaigns are particularly suitable for collecting valuable B2C data from your customers.

Tip 3: Social engagement & community building for your online business

Being socially engaged as a company at Christmas is almost mandatory these days. Use this as an opportunity to involve your customers and create a sense of community. A joint fundraising campaign can create a positive perception, especially on social media.

Be creative and think about which social cause suits your company and your target group. Important: Don't just do it as a marketing campaign, but with real commitment and a good ulterior motive in order to secure the trust of your target group in the long term.

Tip 4: High service quality is still in demand

Many people find the Christmas season stressful, especially when it comes to buying presents. Try to make this experience as pleasant as possible for your customers by providing first-class service - reducing unnecessary stress at the end of the year is the be-all and end-all here. Even in times of online stores, social media & email marketing, a pleasant in-store experience is not a thing of the past!

For example, create a relaxing atmosphere with relaxing music, decorations and small gifts such as free gingerbread. If your customers enjoy being with you, they will stay longer, spend more money and come back to you again. This way, your marketing campaign will pay off beyond the holidays!

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Tip 5: Help the "last minute shopper" with their gift search

The internet offers countless opportunities to find current trends in gifts and search queries. Use these to support your customers in their gift search. In your brick-and-mortar store, you can place popular gifts in a particularly prominent position this year.

Online, you can use blog posts to provide inspiration for gifts suitable for the Christmas season. Your customers will thank you and think of you again the next time they buy a gift. Christmas marketing can therefore pay off all year round.

Conclusion - Marketing ideas for christmas

More than just Black Friday and an online advent calendar!

For your online store in particular, but also for brick-and-mortar retailers, the time around Christmas offers a great opportunity to attract and impress customers. With the 5 tips above, you can get the most out of the busiest time of the year in terms of sales.

Use these marketing ideas to strengthen your customer loyalty and build a community. This will also be noticeable in the remaining months and have a lasting positive effect on your customer value and turnover. With great quarterly and annual figures, your company's next Christmas party will be even better!

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