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Digitalization of beverage wholesales: Rewarding loyal customers with a loyalty app

Beverage wholesalers face a variety of challenges in order to hold their own in a highly competitive market. Price wars, rising energy costs and the current high inflation rate represent an almost insurmountable hurdle for many companies.
However, there is one thing that can help any company, large or small, to stand out from the competition: Effective customer retention. Innovative digital solutions are available to enable beverage wholesalers to promote customer loyalty and reward loyal regular customers - such as their own loyalty club app.
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Numerous challenges for beverage wholesalers

A huge part of the challenge facing beverage wholesalers today is how to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Prices are often difficult to control and energy costs can have a negative impact on profit margins.

This can lead to a less profitable economic situation if beverage wholesalers are unable to increase their returns. One of the best ways to counteract inflation and all the challenges it brings is to improve the customer experience and strengthen customer loyalty.

Opportunities of digitalisation in beverage wholesales

The digitalization of beverage wholesaling offers a wide range of opportunities and benefits. On the one hand, this includes the possibility of optimizing internal processes and workflows using digital tools and thus increasing efficiency and effectiveness in day-to-day business. On the other hand, there is also the opportunity to build trust between customers and beverage wholesalers in order to strengthen customer relationships.

Optimization of customer contact

With their own loyalty club app, customers can easily collect loyalty points, redeem rewards and find out about exclusive offers and events. The app can also be used as a platform for sending push notifications, emails or other messages to inform customers about news and integrate them into sales.

In addition to promoting customer loyalty, the data collected via the app can help to understand customer behavior and adapt future marketing campaigns.


Optimization of internal processes

Optimization of internal processes can be achieved, for example, through the use of digital tools and software such as automated ordering and delivery processes, mobile solutions and data analysis.

Such tools enable beverage wholesalers to work faster and more efficiently and can help to simplify warehousing and inventory management, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction. Furthermore, digital solutions can improve the customer experience by providing personalized offers and discounts, strengthening customer loyalty and providing real-time information on orders and deliveries.

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Loyalty app as a best-practice solution for digital customer loyalty

With the development of new digital technologies, it is possible to take customer loyalty programs to a new level. A dedicated customer loyalty app (digital loyalty club) makes it easy for beverage wholesalers to set up, operate and manage a high-quality customer loyalty program. Possible applications include the following:

  • Collect loyalty points and redeem them for rewards

  • Check out exclusive offers and events with the app

  • Simple communication with customers via push notifications, emails or other message formats

  • Tool for identifying individual homogeneous customer segments

  • Carry out targeted and personalized marketing campaigns (based on previously identified customer segments)

Digital stamp card

.diComputer: Modern beverage wholesaler software

To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of internal processes, you need high-quality tools and the know-how to use them. .dicomputer offers 360-degree software for the beverage trade: The company's success can be increased by optimally digitizing the day-to-day business of beverage wholesalers and facilitating work processes. The solution portfolio includes the following products (as of June 7, 2023), which are already used by over 20,000 users:

  • .dicommerce (merchandise management)

  • .dikasse (cash register solution)

  • .dilogApp (digital flow of goods)

  • .diinfo (web-based reporting system)

Sources: https://www.dicomputer.de/ & https://www.dicomputer.de/produkte/

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Conclusion - Customer loyalty in beverage wholesales

Why customer loyalty is essential in beverage wholesales

Targeted steps as part of a holistic digitalization strategy are an essential means of helping beverage wholesalers to compete successfully in a highly competitive market.

By using innovative tools, software and apps, beverage wholesalers can optimize internal processes and procedures, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction. A dedicated loyalty club app can be a valuable tool to reward customers and offer unique, personalized experiences.

Customer loyalty and the effective promotion of customer loyalty are therefore key factors that help beverage wholesalers to strengthen their customer relationships and ultimately achieve (economic) success.

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